We were however disappointed when we saw a tube back down his throat. Previously, they had that tube in there to remove excess air and/or fluid that was accumulating in his stomach. Well, turns out that the tube is now a gavage feeding tube - which means he is starting to get that nourishing mother's milk! Feeding is another milestone that should not be underestimated in a preemie. We had thought he was still a few days off so this was another pleasant surprise. He is only being fed about 5 ml of milk every 3 hours but had his 3rd feeding of the day when we were there. They will continue to measure his output and increase feeding amounts accordingly. There are so many important nutrients that come from mother's milk that science will likely not ever be able to replicate. I believe that this will help Colton gain even more strength as he continues to fight his way from the NICU at Texas Woman's to where he belongs - with us at home! Mother's milk is to babies as spinach is to Popeye!
Wednesday is sibling visit day so Sydney got to go with us again today. Sydney got to hold her baby brother for the first time today! She was super excited and can't wait to get back up there on Sunday.
He now weighs 4lbs6oz (up from 3lbs12oz) and continues to gain strength and momentum. It's important to celebrate the successes but also remember he has a long way to go. We'll take all the good news that comes our way and pray for even better news tomorrow.
Appreciate everyone's support and love and looking forward to the day that we can return the favor....All the best - Bret, Wendy, Sydney and Colton.
The news just gets better and better!
I'm glad to see that everyone has now held the little man... even brother Nick.
Still praying for that PDA to continue closing.
Yay Colton!!! The little champ.
Yep, it just keeps getting better! The Big Guy seems to have Colton covered!
Much love and cyber hugs!
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