Saturday, February 28, 2009

Feb. 28 - One month in....

Colton is officially 1 month old today. He came into this world 10 weeks early (30 weeks gestational age), low heart rate requiring chest compressions, broken arm, bruised up, wide open PDA and weighed in at 3lbs. 12oz. He now is over 5 1/2 lbs, had his arm and PDA fixed, got rid of all of his bruising and his taking off with his feedings. February 2009 has been a blur and a roller coaster to say the least. But Colton has made tremendous progress, been lifted to great heights through the great care of his doctors and nurses, and of course lifted up in prayer by countless people all over the world.

Wendy, Sydney and I spent some time with him today during and after his bottle feed. He did well again today, only leaving a miniscule 10ml in his allotted feeding time. Slow and steady progress but we will take any progress we can get!
My mom (Kay) left for home today. We would like to thank Sandy, Nick, Joan, and Kay for spending time away from their homes to help us out in our time of need. They helped with Sydney, buying groceries, doing laundry, cooking, etc. We certainly could not have survived the first month without their help. We would also like to thank all the friends and neighbors who brought by food over this past month. Let me tell you how nice it was to not have to worry about dinner after spending a day at the hospital and doing the 72 miles round trip in what has to be the worst traffic in the world - HOUSTON TRAFFIC! I think all 5.5 million people have cars in this town! Anybody that has driven here knows we don't have the best drivers in the world. :)
We would also like to thank everyone who has called, stopped by, or prayed for us. We owe a lot of people for their support and continue to look forward to the day that our debt to you can be repayed.

I continue to admire Wendy's strength through all of this. Not only is she dealing with the same emotions as I am, she is also dealing with that incision. She is definitely improving but we still have a ways to go to get her healed up. It's frustrating to her because she's not one to normally take the time to slow down and let herself heal. However, she is doing what needs to be done to heal now so we'll get her back to 100% in time to get Colton home.

We are so ready to get Colton home and get back to some sense of normalcy. I'll be happy when the most excitement with Colton is that he peed on his outfit during a diaper change. So we are hopeful that March 2009 is when we finally get our little guy home.

BTW - several people have mentioned that they would like to leave comments on the blog. Previously, I had only turned on the feature allowing registered Blogger users to leave comments. I'm turning on the feature allowing anyone to post a comment so keep it clean! ;)

All the best to you and your family....Love, Bret, Wendy, Sydney and Colton


Anonymous said...

If the "AFTER" photo were not close by, the "BEFORE" photo would be almost too painful to look at. What a wonderful God to put in your (and our) hearts the hope and faith that has sustained us. And what a wonderful God to reward that hope and faith with the miracle of the "AFTER"! He obviously has great things in store for our little Colton Todd Gibbs!

Kelly said...

Definitely a giant leap from that first picture to the second!!

I pray that March will be a calming, healing month for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gibbs Family!

Lora has kept me updated on Colton and Wendy and I'm so happy to see how big he is getting, how well he's improving, and, like you said, how strong Wendy has been! You have been through so much and I wish you all continued progress. Congratulations and Welcome Colton!

Robin Demoy (Lora's friend from Boston)