Friday, February 6, 2009

Overnight Wendy!


Col-T continued to do very well overnight! His night nurse states he has been on the 6 setting for cPAP since midnight and appears to be tolerating it just fine. His bilirubin did spike up to 14 overnight and so he is back on the lights. We totally expected this as they were pulling the lights to decrease his fluids to trigger that darn PDA to close. He has not had the echo yet today but it is scheduled for later today. We should know by this evening if it has closed. The nurse said he was moving his right arm more for her overnight. She has been with him several nights and been able to observe him. She also said Colton protested some over the night. She believes he might be beginning to feel hungry and asked if it was OK to offer the pacifier. I told her that is fine, I had observed his oral care being done by the nurse yesterday and he seemed to like it and would attempt to suck on the sponge, so it might offer him some comfort. He won't be given a tube feeding until the issue of the PDA is resolved. Once that is resolved, it is my understanding he will get an NG or OG tube and be given the tiniest amount of milk to see if it is tolerated. Bottles will not even be in the picture until 2 criteria are met. The first is that he has to tolerate 8 tube feeds per day and he must be over 32 weeks gestation. He will be 32 weeks gestation on Valentine's day. He will be fed EBM. (expressed breast milk). The nurse told me they have already performed his head ultrasound this morning and results will be available later today. The plan as I understand it for this weekend is to pull his umbilical line vein and place a PIC line. While I am not thrilled with him having a new line, this transition will allow him to be held, which will be wonderful! I can't wait to hold my tiny baby boy.

Hasn't Bret done a fabulous job with the blog? I am so proud of him not only for the blog but for how well he has handled everything from his wife in complete denial that she is in labor to every challenge we have faced in this week. I am lucky to have such a wonderful husband.

I am also very lucky to have such vast support from friends and family. I have been blown away with the e-mails, text and phone messages. I can not tell you how much they all mean to me. I know I haven't been able to respond to each one yet, but I want you to know I am getting them and they are just what I need to keep my spirits up. I am doing well and healing well. I have had a marked decrease in post operative pain over the past 12 hours and can actually get out of bed by myself now!

Thank you all for your love and support! We will update again this evening.

Wendy, Bret, Sydney and baby Colton


Scooter said...

Keep up the great work. Thinking of you guys.

Pam said...

Another great update, and from Mom herself!! Yes, Bret has done a fantastic job with the blog!! You are one lucky lady to have him!

Good news on the Colton front! I know you can't wait to hold that precious little boy!!

You and your family remain in my prayers and thoughts! Much love and cyber hugs!!

Kelly said...

Everything just keeps sounding better and better. The little guy is a fighter and I'm totally encouraged!

Thanks to Bret for keeping the updates coming and so good to hear from you today, Wendy!!

Still praying!!

Claire said...

Hey there!

I just spend a good amount of time reading all the blogs about baby colton! I had no idea there was a new baby in the family...then again, I haven't spoken to my parents (Mike and Peggy) since the day he was born! I hope Colton continues to grow stronger! Thinking of y'all...

Claire McKinney