Baby Colt arrived January 31, 2009 at 7:59 pm. He weighed in at 3 lbs 12 oz and is 17 inches long. He was born at 30 weeks gestation. He is in the NICU level 3 Nursery and intubated at this time. He is expected to be in the hospital for 4-8 weeks. We will have more information in the upcoming days on how he is doing. He is still being assessed by the neonatologist and adjusting to life outside the womb.
He was born via c-section. He was in a position that they had some trouble getting him out and that is why there are bruises on his body. In addition, he had to be resuscitated at birth. His APGAR at one minute was 4 and 8 at five minutes.
Sydney was very excited and got to spend a few minutes meeting him on Sunday.
We will update on his status as much as we can in the upcoming days and weeks.
Thank you to everyone for all their love and support during this time.
Love, Wendy, Bret, Sydney and Baby Colton
What a surprise!!
I hope he continues to gain ground quickly and can go home with his family at the earliest possible date.
I'll be praying for all of you!!
Welcome Little man! Reed can't wait to play. We will keep you in our thoughts as your grow big and strong. Much love, Reed, Aunt Katie and Uncle Nick
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