Tuesday, February 3, 2009

PDA is large

Bad news on the hole in his heart (PDA). It is a large one and will likely require surgical intervention. We will likely give it a day or two to see if it closes but looking like surgery will be in his future.


Pam said...

Wendy, I talked to Nick and he's keeping me in the know. Colton is and will remain in my prayers.

My love and prayers to all of you!

Tara Powell said...

Hi Wendy. My mom told me about your blog and I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and Colton. I will pass the request on to friends and we will pray that God will heal little Colton. Thanks for all the updates
(TJ's big sister)

Lora said...

I've been out of pocket and haven't checked email or your blog until this morning. I'm keeping my Colt in my prayers and am passing on the info to my family and friends. Love you all.